The Golden Hour. Sunset portraits have become my favorite for so many reasons. During a wedding, it has become a simple time to take a 10-15 breather for our sweet couples. A time to take a breath, relax and just enjoy each other. During our recent wedding, Haley and Austin had just finished their last larger family shots, and it gave them a chance to step away and enjoy a few moments together.
For Leslie and Ben, Austin and Emily, and Brett and Jessica– it was all moments just for them! Walk away from the crowd, breath a little– your photos are your memories of the day. Trust me, the moments fly by. The details and small things become a blur– spending one on one time and going an extra time with just the two of you will add to your wedding day portraits in an extraordinary way!

Brett and Jessica’s Fall wedding had some gorgeous sunset images! Fall is one my favorite times of the year– the colors, the light!

Even our portrait sessions can be beautiful at sunset! See Valerie and Lee’s family session last fall!